Ministry Sign-up Form
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Please check the box of the ministry you would like to join. You may choose more than one but we recommend choosing no more than three.
Ministry Team Sign-up
Please select all that apply.
1. BIBLE SCHOOL: Operate Mail Correspondence Bible Study.
2. BIBLE STUDY: Give in-home, delivery & pick-up, Zoom, and small group Bible study.
3. CHILDREN OUTREACH: Reach junior youth ages 8-12 in community and church.
4. COUPLES: Develop programs and ways to reach the couples in the community and church.
5. FAMILY LIFE: Community outreach with the focus on family.
6.RESTORE ME: Assistance for families of those struggling with addiction.
7. FIELD TERRITORY: Visit door to door to develop interests.
8. FINANCE/STEWARDSHIP: Provide financial tips and seminars to help the church and the community with the governance of their personal finances.
9. GUEST SERVICES/TRANSPORTATION: Greeters and transportation service
10. GOLDEN AGERS: Community outreach with the focus on the elderly.
11. HEALTH: Offer health tips to community and church; facilitate health seminars.
12. INTEREST MANAGEMENT: Keep records of all church interests.
13. MEN'S MINISTRY: Reach and minister to the men in the community and church.
14. MISSING MEMBERS: Reach out to the missing and former members of the church.
15. MUSIC: Ministering in music to incarcerated, sick, shut-ins, hospitalized, and others.
16. NEIGHBORHOOD: Develop and facilitate meetings and gatherings in your own neighborhood.
17. PRAYER: Develop prayer programs to pray for church and community interests.
18. PRISON MINISTRY: Reach incarcerated familly of church and community members.
19. PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION: Distribute flyers, tracts, and church ads to the community.
20. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Design and create church ads.
21. SABBATH SCHOOL ACTION UNITS: Outreach to arm each Sabbath School class.
22. SERVE TO SAVE: Reach the community by servicing immediate needs.
23. FRIENDS: Community outreach with the focus on the singles in the community.
24. SPECIAL LANGUAGES: Develop and reach community members of other languages.
25. SPIRITUAL GUARDIAN: Develop ad establish programs to connect with newly baptized members.
26. WOMEN'S MINISTRY: Reach and minister to the women in the community and church.
27. YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT OUTREACH: Develop programs and ways to reach the youth and young adults in the community and church.
Would you like to lead out in the ministry that you chose?
Please select one option.
If yes, please indicate which ministry.
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